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The US: for or against democracy?

The United States of America is one of the most powerful nations in the world, power comes with a lot of sacrifices. Well in case of the US, these sacrifices are not from the US but what the other nations had to go through! This nation that boasts of its power

and high tech biotechnical firms, seems lost in the fight for COVID 19, whereas India, reached out to its neighbours and sent huge doses of vaccines even before fulfilling its own domestic needs.

Well this article will not compare these two nations, but would present factual pictures of the indulgences of the US in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.

  1. America is known to the world to advocate democracy, but this might not be a case where it sees personal gain and profit. Take for example the situation of Chile, where democratically elected president, Salvador Allende was overthrown by a military coup that was known to be funded and supported by none other than the United States of America. Where for 17 long years democracy was crushed and ruled over by the military.

What was at stake for the US here? To answer that one would have to look into the changes in the Chilean Constitution made by Alende, which did not favour US companies and stakes, given that the Chilean President was focused on healthcare, education and agriculture. Whereas, by supporting Pinochet and his military coup US ensured corporate expansion in Chile.

  1. The involvement of the US in the case of internal affairs of Iraq and Saddam Hussein is well known. In fact Saddam Hussein had been successful in abolishing the Islamic laws in the country and providing freedom to women of the nation. However, the US with the help of its allies claimed that Iraq had been experimenting upon nuclear weapons (it is also important to note here that, US itself possess nuclear weapon, and has taken no measure to destroy the existing technology of mass destruction, but is often seen taking a stand against other nations trying to do the exact same). The allegations were proved false after the UN did its enquiry and search in the country.

Even after the UN search, the US invaded and killed Hussein, thereafter installing an interim government in the country, and benefiting by stealing the crude oil at cheaper prices and storing up its own reservoirs. The US thus turned from an oil importing country to an oil exporting country.

These are just a few examples of two countries that were made to sacrifice their sovereignty and democracy for the personal gain and profit of the United States of America. There are many such devastating facts about the cruelties of so called developed nations to maintain their predominance over morality and ethics!

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